Sunday, May 19, 2013

Got Kids?

Small but powerful...tiny but capable of bringing an adult to their knees...speechless but possessing the ability to pierce an eardrum...the human infant.  A baby is a puzzle that arrives with no instructions.  The moment that infant is placed in your arms your life changes forever!  There is no turning back you are no longer the person you were just moments ago.  Squalling, red and wrinkled often resembling a balding old man yet love fills your heart and soul and your entire world shifts.  It is no longer just about you; the birth of a child is not only the beginning of a new life but the beginning of new journey, the journey into parenthood.  Your life is divided into two parts just like history; B.C and A.C.:  "Before Children" and "After Children".

My moment came on September 11, 1983 the time is documented on a birth certificate filed in a courthouse in Denton, Texas.  My only recollection is of a a never ending night under florescent lights; time held no meaning.  One moment I was in such intense pain that I thought I might die the next a squirmy, slimy creature was placed in my arms and I was transformed forever.  Before that moment life was all about me.  What I wanted, what I thought, how I felt, my dreams, my goals but in the blink of an eye I became  a "Mom"; I was now responsible for making others matter.  It wasn't that I no longer mattered but the living breathing child that I held in my arms depended on me and my husband for everything so she mattered more.

I did not become a Mom overnight but began the journey in the early morning hours of that September morning.  I am still on the journey and it is a journey that continues until I leave this earth.  The journey into Motherhood begins quietly and takes you down roads you never envisioned you would travel.  There are potholes and detours and breathtaking experiences.

The moment that tiny bundle is placed in your arms you are given the title of Mother, but how do you earn the title of Mother.  Is a person just naturally a good Mom?  Or is Motherhood made up of daily, weekly or even moment by moment choices?  If it is about choices what is the choice?  I believe it is to make others matter, a choice to put your child's needs before your own.  Why?  Doesn't a Mom have a "right" to happiness?   Yes and yes! But by giving yourself to your children you will be transformed and you will experience real joy.

I am a Mom of seven children and yes I do know what causes that.  My husband, David and I have been married for over 30 years.  When we first got married my husband told me he wanted ten children.  I would laugh and respond "Yeah you and five wives!"

I wasn't the little girl who spent hours poring through wedding magazines and planning the names of my children.  Children never factored into my plans; occasionally I thought of what I might name a child but having children was not my life goal.  If anything I viewed motherhood as interfering with "my plans", "my goals" and "my dreams". 

I had no idea that everything would pale in comparison to the world of "motherhood" for me.   I have never had a job that is more difficult, challenging, exhausting: mentally, physically and spiritually.  Yet I have never had a more rewarding or fulfilling job than Motherhood.   There is no experience in my life that compares to watching one of my children succeed in an endeavor or fail in an endeavor but get back up and try again.  I cannot count the hours of missed sleep rocking a sick infant or toddler, nor the sleepless nights waiting for a teenager to arrive home safely or the nights spent praying for one of my children to find their way.  

I have been vomited on, peed on and used as a pillow.  Used as a pillow does not sound too bad until your child exceeds 70 pounds and launches himself into your lap and bony knees and elbows gouge your ribs and stomach.  I have had to constantly remind my children that I am not a pillow or a couch but a live human being.  But despite all this the joy of Motherhood is indescribable.  My children bring life to my soul.  They are my masterpiece, my life's work.

The purpose of this blog is to encourage Moms and those of you thinking about becoming a Mom.  My children range from 12 years old to 29 years old and there were days that I needed to hear someone say there is a purpose in what you are doing.  So I will be that someone to you!  I was a stay at home Mom who home schooled for almost 18 years until my husband was diagnosed with cancer when our youngest son was six weeks old.  I went from stay at home Mom to corporate Mom overnight and for the past 12 years I have juggled raising children with running a company that required extensive travel so I have been on both sides of the fence: stay at home Mom and working Mom.  So if you need some encouragement from someone who has been there done that and not only has a T-shirt but an entire wardrobe stay tuned for more blogs.